Wednesday 7 August 2019

Top Stones to Combat Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a form of depression. Most people tend to slow down a little in the winter and experience the winter blues and SAD can be extremely disabling. SAD is the result of the winter season when the days are shorter. We sleep more, become sedentary, crave carbs, gain weight, and avoid social interaction. Psychologically, we can become depressed. We hibernate. 
When picking out crystals to combat Seasonal Affective Disorder think in terms of light and color therapy. Orange and yellow are the colors that are going to pack the biggest punch…these are the stones of the sun and give us exactly what we’re craving. 
1. Sunstone- carries a strong anti-depressant vibrational energy and the solar energy of the sun 
2. Carnelian- manifests vitality and creativity 
3. Amber- it energy is warming and solar, and Amber has been linked to the Sun Gods Ra and Helios. 
4. Citrine- lifts dark moods and encourages optimism. 
5. Fire Opal- relieves indifference and feelings of emptiness 
6. Orange calcite- a stone of happiness with an uplifting energy

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