Tuesday 6 August 2019

2015 is the Shemitah of Shemitahs Year

Every seven years is a Sabbath year also called a Shemitah year. This is a year of rest, just as the seventh day of the week is a day of rest. Every seventh Shemitah (7x7=49) is followed by a Jubilee year, a year of celebration. This Shemitah of Shemitah has also had a Tetrad of four Blood Moons all occurring on Jewish feast days, which has not happened in 2000 years! 

During a Shemitah Year, God can raise up nations or kingdoms or tear them down. These raising up or tearing down effect all sectors of a country. It can effect a countries' economy and wealth, its military preparedness, its leaders, and the health and well being of its people. 

2015 the year of Sevens 
This Shemitah Year started with two cows being born with the number 7 on their faces. 
The Shemitah year is the 7th year of rest. 
2015 is the 7th Shemitah (7x7=49) since the last Jubilee Year, making it a Shemitah of Shemitahs. 
2015 is the 7th year since the 2008 Stock Market Crash, where it went down 777 points. 
2015 is 14 years since the 911 terrorist attack. (7+7=14) 
2015 marks 70 years since the end of the Holocaust. 
2015 is the 70th year following the end of World War II. 
2015 marks the 70th year since the first atomic bomb was dropped. 
2015 is the 70th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations. 
Sept. 2015 is the start of the 70th year of the Jubilee since God ordained them in the Old Testament 
Below records the spiritual events which have occurred during this Shemitah of Shemitahs year. If America follows God and his teachings as taught in the Bible we will be blessed, but if America ignores and mocks God we will be cursed. 

Tree at Ground Zero, damaged at the end of a Shemitah Year, and its replacement was removed on the 1st Blood Moon of 2014. 
First Blood Moon Event 
After the events of 911, a sycamore tree near Ground Zero was severally damaged from the falling towers. In accordance with scripture verse Isaiah 9:10, "The sycamores have been cut down, But we will replace them with cedars." So a cedar tree was planted to replace the damaged sycamore tree. Again, just as in the Old Testament, this was a defiant act against God. The new tree that was planted started to die. Experts were brought in to save the tree but no matter what they did the tree died. The tree was finely removed on April 15, 2014, the day of the first Blood Moon. 

Libyan national Thomas Duncan dies of Ebola in Texas, just before the lunar eclipse ends. 
Second Blood Moon Event 
In state after state, judges have ruled to over ride the voters and declare homosexual marriages legal. Just as a big push to legalize gay marriages across the nation, a man from Liberia show symptoms of the Ebola virus in Texas. This happened on the first day of the new Shemitah year. Thomas Duncan dies of Ebola on Oct. 8, 2014, just as the second eclipse is ending, and a day after the 26 state approves gay marriage, thus making gay marriage legal in the majority of states. 

The IMF pegs China has the world's largest economy. 
China now the World's Largest Economy 
Morning of Oct. 8, the DailyMail.co.uk releases a story saying according to the IMF the Chinese economy is now the world's largest economy, placing the U.S.A. in second place; first time since 1872. 
Read the full stories. >> China worlds largest economy and Business Insider report. The rising and falling of national economies happen in Shemitah Years. The Daily Mail report is released while the second Blood Moon is in progress. 
Cow with number 7 on face, name BenBaby Cow with number 7 on its face was born in PA just as the Shemitah year starts. Might this be a sign from God that his cycle of seven years is still in effect. (This was shown on the Jimmy Bakker Show in December 2014.) 

The number Seven represents the seventh Year of Rest: the Sabbath (Shemitah) Year. 
Seven plus seven equals fourteen, which was the number of cows in Pharaoh's dream. 
Seven times seven equals 49, which makes a Shemitah of Shemitahs. (7 x 7 = 49 years) 
2014-2015 is the 49th Shemitah Year! 
The two cows with 7s represent the seven sevens of the Shemitah of Shemitahs. 
A Shemitah (Sabbath) Year is the Seventh Year. 
The Seven Cows, a sign from God? 
In the book of Genesis, Pharaoh had a dream of 7 fat cows, followed by 7 skinny cows. The Jewish slave, Joseph correctly interprets the dream to mean 7 years of plenty followed by 7 years of famine. The Bible records the first ever economic cycle. Shemitah years are God's seven year cycles which are linked to economic activity, for God commands that in the seventh year all debts are to be forgiven. 

A calf born just before the start of this Jewish Shemitah Year (which is the seventh year) has the number '7' on its face. This picture was released to the mostly secular U.S. news services and sent all across the nation on Sept. 25, the first day of the Shemitah Year. The farmer named this cow Ben (after a football player) which is for Benjamin, a tribe of Israel. In the middle of the Shemitah year another Benjamin will make an important speech before Congress. 
seven cow face in TexasA second cow with the number 7 is born on Sept. 25, 2014, the First Day of the Shemitah Year in Texas. (This was shown on the Jimmy Bakker Show in January 2015.) 
A second cow with the number seven on its head was born on the first day of the Jewish Shemitah (Sabbath) Year, September 25, 2014. In Pharaoh's dream there were two sets of seven cows, so today we have two cows with the number '7' reminding us of Pharaoh's dream. Pharaoh dreamed of 14 cows in all; two cows with the number 7+7 equals 14. The unprecedented markings and the exact timing of their births make one wonder, if these two cows are a message from God? This second cow is named Shemitah. 

Russia now has the largest number of deploy-able nuclear warheads. 
Russia now has more warheads than the U.S. In recent years Russia has increased its deploy-able war heads while at the same time the U.S.A. has been decreasing its atomic warheads. It is reported in the Moscow Times that Russia over took the U.S.A. in nuclear warheads the first week of October. Read full article >> Russian Warheads greater then the U.S. Again a sign of God's raising up and tearing down of nations. 
Benjamin Netanyahu address Congress 3-2015 
Israel PM addresses a joint session of Congress to plead for a 'better deal' with Iran; one that will make Israel and America safer. The White House is displeased with his address, but he gets lots of applause in Congress. Benjamin Netanyahu address Congress. In the Old Testament, Queen Ester who is Jewish approaches the King of Persia against the Law in order to save Israel. Her request is granted and the enemies of Israel are killed. In a similar manner Benjamin Netanyahu approaches the U.S. Congress against protocol to plead the case to once again save Israel. Israel is under threat from Iran which is the same land as Persia. Both events occur during the same Jewish month. Benjamin Netanyahu's address comes just before Solar Eclipse marking the middle of the Sabbath Year. 
God's Promise To Abram and His Decedents; 
I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; 
Gen. 12:3 
It would be very unwise for America to become an enemy of Israel, for then God will curse us. 

Watch a clip of Glenn Beck's 'Armies of Armageddon' 
Armies of Armageddon. 
On March 19 Glenn Beck airs an hour long special titled "Armies of Armageddon." In this show he documents the events which led to the start of World War II. Along side each event he documents the parallel events happening today. History has a way of repeating itself and it appears we are likely on the road to World War III. This time it is all focused on the little country of Israel, and those that want to destroy God's people. Across the Middle East Muslims chant, "Death to Israel and death to America." ISIS is rounding up and killing hundreds of thousands of Christians. Jesus talks about the time of trouble, the Tribulation, in Mathew 24. Is this the time of the Anti-Christ? 
Solar Eclipse Mar 20 2015 
Five Religious and Astronomical 
events converge on one day. Solar Eclipse 
Unique Convergence of events: 
On March 20, 2015 we have 5 Religious and Astronomical events occurring on the same day. 
A Solar Eclipse in the North Atlantic. 
The exact center day of the Jewish Shemitah Year. 
The Vernal Equinox marking the first day of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere. 
Moon at perigee in its orbit markings its closest point to Earth, which many people call a Super Moon. 
First Day of Nisan on the Jewish calendar. 
Dana interviews pizza owner in Indiana on the Blaze 
Dana Loesch interviews owner of pizza business that was targeted by activist Gays. Dana then helps raise $840,000 in just two days. Liberals and the Gay community angrily attack her program. 

Gay marriage has repeatedly been rejected by voters across the country, yet judges rule the ban of gay marriage is unconstitutional. So it is now recognized in over half the states against the will of many Americans. 

Two thousand years ago St. Paul described Rome's homosexuals as; 'They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful....' Romans 1:29-30 
So are today's activist gays the same as their Roman counter-parts: haters of God, Christians and intolerant of their beliefs? Third Blood Moon Event 
The third Blood Moon of this Tetrad occurred at Passover on April 4. A religious freedom firestorm erupted in a small Indiana town when the owner of Memories Pizza answered a hypothetical question to a TV reporter. They said it would be against their religious faith to serve pizzas at a Gay wedding. Their Facebook page was soon flooded with hate messages and low ratings. False orders were placed and the couple were about to close their doors from all the negative publicity. Dana Loesch from The Blaze interviewed them and decided to place a GoFundMe Internet page to generate some money to help the business. Within two days Americans from across the country donated over $840,000 to help the couple who had simply voiced their religious convictions. 
We are at a tipping point in America. Will the government pass laws that force people to support things they view as sinful and ill moral? If so, then the First Amendment has become totally irrelevant and it is predicted that all freedoms in America will soon disappear. 
Isreali Jets 
It is reported that the USAF has been ordered to shoot down Israeli Jets attacking Iran. The World is turning against Israel 
US Israeli relations have turned frosty following the re-election Benjamin Netanyahu as the PM. Netanyahu says he will not give away any more Israeli land in hopes of peace to leaders that vow to eliminate the state of Israel. It is being reported by a number of news* outlets that President Obama ordered our Air Force to shoot down Israeli Warplanes that attack Iran's nuclear bomb producing plants. The always truthful White House has denied the allegations. 
A WARNING to the Nations of the World: God has promised that if the people of Israel are faithful to him he will destroy Israel's enemies. It would be wise for America to be on God's side and Israel's side or face judgment. 
* Daily Beast, NewsMax, Israel National News (Al-Jarida) 
U.S. Supreme Court rules in favor of gay marriage. 
The U.S. Supreme Court rules in 5 to 4 decision in favor of gay marriage thus making it the law of the land, but in doing so violates the Constitution on numerous points. Three Justices who have ties to LGBT movement do not recluse themselves. 

White House in gay pride colors 
President Obama has the White House lite in Gay Pride Colors on June 26. Rev. Franklin Graham says this is an affront to Americans who believe in traditional marriage. He added that God gave us the rainbow and this reminds us of God's judgment. So by this act will Obama bring judgment on America? 

Kim Davis, KY clerk 
Kim Davis refuses to issue gay marriage licenses because it violates her moral values. 
U.S Supreme Court declares same sex marriage is equal to heterosexual marriage: On June 26, 2015 the Supreme Court of the United States issued its ruling saying that all 50 states must allow gay marriages. Marriage has always been considered a union between a man and a woman to form a family with children in countries around the world. This is God's law of natural creation, and is a fact of biology. This ruling will force people of faith to preform and assist in gay marriages against their conscience or face stiff fines from the IRS. Also this ruling violates the so called "Separation of Church and State" by making the State to issuer of moral laws thus superseding the Bible. In effect the Government has become a State run Religion, with the Supreme Court Justices acting as the Cardinals and Bishops handing down moral encyclicals of Canon Law which all Churchs of the land must follow! This ruling goes against the teachings of Catholics, Evangelical Christians and Muslims. 

A government which is hostel to God and refuses to comply with God's laws, become stiff necked like the Israelites in the Old Testament. Because if Israel's rebellion against God, God withdrew his protection from Israel and their enemies were victorious over them. Many modern prophets today are saying the same will happen to America. Some are saying this is last straw and God's judgment will now fall on America. 

On September 3rd Kim Davis, a Kentucky County Clerk refuses to issue gay marriage licenses because it is a violation of her faith, and is placed in jail. The judge says that she must follow the law; however, officials in "sanctuary cities" across the country refuse to follow Federal Law and are not arrested. So this lawless government picks and chooses which laws to enforce and which laws to ignore. No longer is America a nation of laws, but has become a nation ruled by man. Liberty and justice will soon disappear from such a nation. 
Life or Death? 

Aborted baby parts for sale in a Planned Parenthood Clinic. The American government has become a country that embraces death by supporting and funding Planned Parenthood. 
Planned Parenthood Exposed in Videos. 
Aug. 2015 A number of shocking undercover videos exposes how Planned Parenthood takes aborted babies and sells human parts for profit. It is illegal to sell body parts in this manner. While many people have been horrified by the pictures of baby parts in a petri dish, the public seemed to be more outraged by a lion shot in Africa that same week. A 100,000 people signed a protest petition. The news media played up the lion shooting story while trying to play down the slaughter of millions of babies each year. While there are calls to unfund Planned Parenthood, the press will present the story as crazy radical Christians causing trouble. God will bring judgment on the liberal news media, Planned Parenthood, and the U.S. government for this horrific slaughter at tax payers expense. The public is also to blame as we elected these people into office, so judgment will likely fall on all America. Judgment is coming soon! Link to Audio >>Rick Wiles interviews Dr. Theresa Deisher & Rev. Frank Pavone on Planned Parenthood baby parts harvesting. Sept. 1, 2015. 
Kali goddess on the Empire State Building.Kali Hindu goddess of evil destruction is projected on the Empire State Building Aug. 1, 2015. 

Kali is projected onto the side of the Empire State Building 
The name of Kali means black one and force of time; she is therefore called the goddess of time, change, power, creation, preservation, and destruction. Her earliest appearance is that of a destroyer principally of evil forces. On August 1, the image of the Hindu goddess Kali is projected on the side of Empire State Building one of the most famous landmarks in America. This evil image of Kali with blood dripping from her tongue mirrors the death of babies in the Planned Parenthood videos, and the fall of the Stock Market which happened later in August. Some are saying this image is a foreshadowing of evil destruction of America.

Judgment Starts 
Elul is the last month of the Jewish calendar year. During this month of a Shemitah year, God declares all debts must be forgiven: the financial ledger wiped clean. This forgiving of debts often causes the Stock Market to fall. The first week of Elul (Aug. 17-21, 2015) the Stock Market dropped 1061 points. 
Shanghai World Financial Center is taller than any building in the U.S.A. and could be the Headquarters for the new world monetary banking system.
Up Coming Dates of Importance. 
Sept. 11 is the 14th anniversary of the 911 attack on the U.S.A. This date has special meaning to Islamic Jihadist and is a date on which they will want to commit acts of terrorism. It also marks two seven year Shemitah cycles since 911. 
Sept. 13, is Elul 29 on the Jewish Calendar which is the last day of the Shemitah Year. On this date, Biblical all debts are to be wiped clean, and in the past the U.S. Stock Market has taken a big hit on Elul 29 days. As this is a Sunday, the Market might crash on the proceeding Friday, Sept. 11 or the following Monday. Also there is a Partial Solar Eclipse that day. 
Sept. 14, Is the start of the Year of the Jubilee which comes every 50th year on the Jewish calendar. This can be a time of God's blessings for Jews and the state of Israel when they are in accord with God. Nations that oppose Israel will have God against them. It is being reported that the new treaty with Iran states if Israel attacks Iran, the USA agrees to join Iran to fight Israel!!! 
Sept. 28, is the last Lunar Eclipse of this Tetrad which occurs on a Jewish feast day. This Blood Moon will also be a Super Moon meaning it will appear at its largest possible size in the sky. The Eclipsed Super Moon ends setting in the west as seen in Jerusalem, Israel in the early morning of Sept. 28, 2015. 
In early Oct. The BRICS Nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) will have an economic summit where they plan to set up an alternative monetary standard to the U.S. petro-dollar. The headquarters of this new banking system is in Shanghai, China. If the Chinese Yuan becomes the new world standard of exchange it will likely have disastrous effects on the U.S. economy. 
Summary of Events during the Shemitah and Past 4 Blood Moons 
Ebola outbreak in Africa and several cases in the U.S. 
People dying of the Bubonic Plague in the U.S. 
Immigration of Refugees in Europe. A majority of them are young men from all over the middle east. (Likely, an Islamic army invades Europe.) 
Numerous Natural Disasters. Earthquakes, and fires. 
U.S. Government acts illegally numerous times by disregarding the Constitution, thus ending the 'Rule of Law' in America. Movement to replace Constitutional Law with Islamic Sharia Law. (Sharia Law puts Christians, gays and woman in grave danger.) 
God's Tipping Points to Judgement Crossed. 
Gay Marriage Legalized against the Biblical definition. 
Killing Babies and selling human body parts for profit. 
Government defends rioters and attacks on the police. 
The U.S. Government turns against Israel. (A danger to America, as God curses those that oppose Israel.) 
The U.S. Government is increasing hostel to Christians supporting law suites leveled against Christian businesses and Christians in the military. 
War between Israel and Hamas. 
Russia invades the Ukraine. China building up its military navy and aerospace. 
The rise of ISIS threatens which destabilizes the Middle East, leading to mass killings of Christians, by beheading, and crucifixion. (End time prediction of the Bible.) 
The U.S. Government signs a treaty with our enemy Iran who vows to destroy both Israel and America. In the treaty we give our enemy 160 billion dollars, and lift economic sanctions on Iran. There will be few if any inspections which will lead to Iran obtaining a Nuclear Bomb. 
Chinese and Russian warships and aircraft off the U.S. Coastline. Rumors of a surprise attack on America being planned by our enemies. 
The 8th and 10th largest point declines in the U.S. Stock Market. 
Greatest intraday collapse of 1089 points. 
A 16% of the British Market is wiped out. 
An 18% of the French Market is wiped out. 
China is now the economic engine of the world and the Chinese Market crashed 40% and millions of Chinese lost all their savings. So the Chinese will be spending much less to buy goods and services, thus the Chinese economy will likely go into a tail spin. 
The Indian Market plunged 4000 points. 
The Brazilian Market plunged 12,000 points.

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