Tuesday 6 August 2019

THE ART OF THE KISS by Stephen Shaw

Kissing is sensual, intimate, and vital for healthy romantic relationships. Indulge in these delicious reminders and master the art of the kiss! 
1. Slow, slow, slow. Don't rush the kiss. Sensuality increases as speed decreases. 
2. Relax and soften your mouth. Hard, pursed lips do not feel romantic or sensual. 
3. Open your mouth slightly. Closed or tight lips are a romantic turn-off. 
4. Tilt your head. Kissing upright means you will bang your noses, and it is difficult to move to the next level. 
5. Use your tongue sometimes. If you do use your tongue, ensure you do it gently, slowly and softly. 
6. Use your hands. Fingertips delicately brushing the face can be gorgeous. Light touches on the neck, shoulders or waist are pleasant too. Keep your touches light and slow. 
7. Close your eyes. Sometimes leave them open and look into your lover's eyes. 
8. Be fully present. Be completely focused on your partner, here and now, ignoring all distracting thoughts. 
9. Kiss with your soul, with your entire being. The kiss is not just about your lips, it is about You. Involve your heart, your mind, your body, your soul, all of You. 
10. Kiss your lover often! It is romantic, loving, connecting, bonding, sensual ... and often very sexy!

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