Tuesday 6 August 2019

Jubilee Cycles:

Jubilee Years are based on the Shemitah Years which occur every 7th year. Seven Shemitahs makes a Shemitah of Shemitahs. (7x7=49 years is the Shemitah of Shemitah cycle period.) The year following the 7th Shemitah Year is a Jubilee Year. The Jubilee Year follows the 7th Shemitah Year thus becoming the 50th year. However, if we keep the Shemitah cycle going every 7 years, then the next Jubilee year is also the first year of the next Shemitah cycle, in which case the next Jubilee year follows 49 years after the first. However, if you start the next Shemitah cycle after the Jubilee Year then you have Jubilee years occurring every 50 years, however, this breaks the 7 year cycle. Bible scholars are in a disagreement are to which version is correct. The following is based on the 49 year cycle which keeps the 7 year cycle in tack. 

The 40th Jubilee since Jesus Crucifixion: 
The number 40 has special meaning in the Bible, and is repeated a number of times in the Bible. It rained for 40 days and 40 nights as Noah and his family rode out the flood in the Ark. The Great Flood was a punishment for men's sinful ways. The Israelites wandered 40 years in the desert in repentance for disobeying God. Jesus fasted in the desert for 40 days and was tempted by Satan. After Jesus' Resurrection he remained for 40 days until he ascended to Heaven. The period of time of 40 in the Bible is understood as a period of repentance and redemption for past sins. So it is of special interest to Christians around the world that this Jubilee Year is the 40th since Jesus was Crucified in Jerusalem in 31 AD. Will this 40th Jubilee finalize the end period of repentance and redemption for mankind, and usher in the start of a new period? Many believers feel something important is about to happen from God. 

The 70th Jubilee, 2015-2016: 
The numbers seven and seventy both have special meanings in the Bible. God created the Heavens and Earth in six days and rested on the seventh day. God had completed his task by the seventh day. From this God established the week which is completed on Saturday and is a day of rest. In Daniel 9:24 we have the following: 
Seventy weeks are determined for your people and your holy city, 
To finish the transgression, 
To make an end of sins, 
To make reconciliation for iniquity, 
To bring everlasting righteousness, 
To seal up vision and prophecy, 
And to anoint the Most Holy. 
This prophecy from Daniel is about restoring Jerusalem until the Messiah returns in a period of seventy! 
In Matthew 18:22 Jesus tells Peter to forgive not just seven times, but seventy times seven. So seven and seventy have the Biblical meaning of perfect completion. 
The Israelites spent 70 years in captivity away from God's Holy city in Jerusalem. 
So this coming 70th Jubilee Year will very likely have very special meaning for mankind. It could be God's time of Perfect Completion for Redemption. Be prepared! Be right with God. 

The Jubilee Year starts with a Partial Eclipse. 
The Jubilee Year starts with a Solar Eclipse: 
As the Jewish New Year begins on September 13, 2015, Rosh Hashana a Partial Solar Eclipse will be taking place over the Indian Ocean. Jewish Rabbis consider a solar eclipse to mean a harsh period of time for countries of the world. 

This Super Moon Lunar Eclipse will be seen in Israel in the western morning sky. 
The Final Blood Moon of the Tetrad: 
As seen from Jerusalem this Lunar Eclipse will be seen in the early morning sky just before sunrise. The Moon will be a super moon which means it will appear larger then normal, and will we setting in the Western sky. A Red Lunar Eclipse has the meaning of a sword coming for the whole world. If the Eclipse is at dawn the calamity is considered to be forth coming. This eclipse will happen the evening of Sunday Sept. 27 in the Western Hemisphere and the morning of Monday Sept. 28 in Europe, Middle-East and Africa. (See more details at the bottom of the Blood Moons page.) 
The Calm Before the Storm 

In September of this year we viewed the last Tetrad of four Blood Moons. The four Blood Moons were the final warning signs from God. Many people believed that events would occur during this time, yet others believed that the Blood Moons signaled the beginning of events. Nothing seems to be happening right now following the 4 Blood Moons, so many people are feeling it is all over, but this is just an illusion. Look at the trends of the fundamentals. 
DOW Jones Industrial Chart 2015 Stock Market Crash 
The Stock market did drop 2500 points from its high in mid May to its low the third week in August. This was greater then the 2008 crash of 777 points. Some financial forecasters such as Harry Dent are saying the market will drop further due to cycle trends and demographics. In fact a number of financial experts are saying the markets could drop as much as 60% making it a greater crash then the 1929 crash. 
World Wide Bank Crisis 
There appears to be a banking crisis around the world as countries are printing money everywhere at alarming rates. This has never happened before in world history. History shows us that when a country attempts to print its way out of debt, the country fails and collapses. The national debt is pegged at 18 trillion dollars, (the most in world history) but the total debt of all liabilities is over ten times greater. In fact it is greater than the amount all goods and services of everything on the planet. We have been set up to fail. Gold and silver as the coin of exchange has been replaced by fiat paper money. This will not be a happy ending for America as we have seen in numerous countries in the last 100 years. 
On the Brink of World War III 
In the Middle East ISIS is beheading Christians just as the Bible predicted. The Russians are moving into the Middle East. Obama pulls USA forces out therefore giving the Russians what they have wanted for a hundred years, control of the world's oil supply. America has signed a peace treaty with Iran, a country that vows to destroy Israel and America. In this treaty our bankrupt nation is giving our enemy 160 billion dollars. Nothing in this treaty stops Iran from building a bomb and developing ICBMs that can strike Israel and America! It is treason to give aid and comfort to this nations enemies, but that is exactly what our leaders are doing. Supply them with the means to destroy us! 
The stage has been set for World War III. Just Goggle "World War III" and see how many people are talking about it. 
So this is just the calm before the storm. It is coming. The Blood Moons were the warning signs of danger to come. When it hits the world will be changed forever. 

A number of modern day prophets are seeing visions of what is coming. American cities on fire. People rioting because there is no food. The military rounding up Christians and sending them off to detention camps, and a surprise attack on America from Russia, China or North Korea. Watch and listen to new interviews in the left column. 

Gunman targets Christians at an Oregon Community College. 
Christians Targeted for Murder in Oregon. 
Roseburg, OR Oct. 1, 2015: A gunman asks students at an Oregon College if they are Christian. If they said yes, he shot them in the head; if they did not answer he shot them in the leg. The government and media treat this story as a gun control issue, not as a hate crime. Before the bodies were cold President Obama said we need to politicize this to control guns. This story is similar to the Charleston SC shooting where a gunman targeted Christians at a Bible study. He shot and killed many members of the class. The press again treated it not as a mental health/ hate crime against Christians but as a race/ gun control issue. 
Nazi's round up Jews who have no guns. 
Nazis round up Jews who have no guns to fight back. They are sent to death camps in the Holocaust. 
Will History Repeat? Nazis disarm the German people. 
Disarming the German population began in 1928 by the liberal Wiemar republic of Germany’s first comprehensive gun control law. When the Nazis seized power in 1933, massive searches and seizures of firearms from political opponents began. After five years of repression and eradication of dissidents, Hitler signed a new gun control law in 1938, which benefited Nazi party members, but denied firearm ownership to enemies of the state. When the SS Storm Troopers came to get the Jews, the Jews had no way to fight back. If the Socialist in Washington overturn the Second Amendment, the same thing will happen in America with both Christians and Jews targeted for the round-up. A second Holocaust has already begun in the Middle East and could very likely come to America as followers of the Anti-Christ wage war on Christians. 
Ten Commandments in OK The Ten Commandments display is removed from the OK Capital grounds. 

A Statue of Satan is erected in Detroit the same weekend OK removes the Ten Commandments. 
Satan Statue appears the same weekend 
the Ten Commandments disappears. 
Oct. 5, 2015: America continues to move away from God and toward Evil as symbolized by the removal of the Ten Commandments in the middle of the night. The removal comes as a result of the OK Supreme Court ruled that the Ten Commandment display violates the State Constitution. The Saturday before in Detroit a 12 foot high statue of Satan appears, thus casing an evil shadow over the whole nation. The Throne of Satan appeared in Berlin bring great evil to Germany and the world. Will this image of Satan bring great evil to America? God's laws are banished in OK while Satan the avowed enemy of God appears in Detroit. It appears that America chooses the evil lies of Satan instead of the truth and light of God. 
Justice Antonin Scalia 
Justice Antoin Scalia Justice Antonin Scalia found dead. 
Feb. 13, 2016: U. S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is discovered dead in his room at a west Texas resort ranch. Many of the guest were from a very secret hunting society. Owner of the ranch a wealthy businessman who has been a supporter of Obama found the body, but failed to call the police and no autopsy of the body was preformed. The day before on radio, Christian historian David Barton was quoted, "We are just one Supreme Court Justice away from losing the Constitution." Justice Scalia was the leading conservative Constitutional voice in the Supreme Court. His untimely death creates an opening for President Obama to appoint yet another Liberal Activist Judge to the Bench which will tip the government to an anti-Constitutional court. A number of people are suggesting that foul play under suspicious circumstances was involved in Scalia's death. We will never know the cause of death as no autopsy was preformed to determine cause of death. President Obama did not attend the funeral of Justice Scalia, which was the first time in U.S. history a sitting President did not attended the funeral of a Supreme Court Justice. Listen to audio about Scalia suspicious death. 

Saudi Fighter Jets 
Saudi Military Fighter Jets in training 

Damascus war ruins 
Vast areas of Damascus are bombed out in ruins. Operation Northern Thunder prepping for World War III 
Feb. 15. 2016: In northern Saudi Arabia 350,000 troops are engaged in war game training programs. They are supported by 20,000 tanks and 2500 airplanes. Will this very large force be put into combat in Syria? Putin is reported to have deployed nuclear weapons into the area and has ordered his generals to use these weapons if necessary. Pakistan has joined the training maneuvers and this country has nuclear weapons also. Turkey has shot down a Russian fighter jet, and is shelling across the boarder into Syria. Putin has warned that if ground troops enter Syria it will be the start of World War III. 

Recent drone images of Damascus show much of the city in ruins. Over 350,000 civilians have been killed; most of them Christians. Biblical prophecy says that in the End Times Damascus will be totally destroyed. If fighting continues in Syria with new armies invading, it is possible the city could be totally destroyed. 

Mar. 15, 2016: Operation Northern Thunder ends without an invasion of Syria, and abruptly Russian troops start pulling out of Syria making many observers wonder if a secret deal has been made. At least for now the outbreak of WWIII seems to have ended. 
One World Currency 
A Rothschild magazine cover shows world currencies burning replaced by a One World Currency. (The date on the coin is 2018!) The Death of Money and the Mark of the Beast 
In February Japan's banks have set interest rate below zero for the first time in world history! What does that mean? It means the banks will no longer pay you to keep your money, instead they will charge you. No one will want to buy Treasury Bonds or put money into Saving Accounts as you will lose money. 
The Federal Reserve has notified banks to stress test what would happen with negative interest rates. The International Bank Cartel has warned of future bank failures. A One World Order could come about as a result of having a one world currency or just digital money. This is the objective plan of the International Banks to create a cashless society. Once this happens people would lose control of their wealth, and be at the mercy of the bankers or governments. 
A new all digital currency could replace printed money, and micro chips with all your banking info could be placed under your skin. This technology is being tested. The Bible prophesied a time will come when men will not be able to buy or sell without the Mark of the Beast on their arms or foreheads. 
Read Rick Wiles take on the International Banks recent moves moving us toward a cashless society. 2/19/16 
Listen to Dr. Katherine Albrect talk about the coming embeddable chip technology which could some day be used to buy and sell. 12/9/15 
Hillary Clinton 
Hillary Clinton is under FBI investigation for breach of national security with an illegal home server containing highly classified emails. 

Donald Trump 
Donald Trump is a liberal billionaire who says he will make America great again with sketchy details. He is more interested in making deals than following the U.S. Constitution. End of America as We Know It 
Mar. 2, 2016 Glenn Beck interviews a Washington Think Tank Annalist who says a Hillary Presidency will be a continuation of the Obama Presidency. Both people studied Rules of Radicals a socialist primer on how to overthrow America; written by Saul Alinsky and the book is dedicated to Lucifer (Satan). The annalist went on to say if we continue on our present course of action in the Middle East "We are all going to be killed!" 

As the Primary Elections progress, it appears Hillary (Dem) and Trump (GOP) may be the Presidential Candidates. Hillary who is a Socialist is under FBI investigation for breach of National Security by keeping highly classified emails on an unsecured illegal private server. She also openly lied about an Internet Video as the cause of the Benghazi attack when she knew it was an Islamic Terrorist Attack from the beginning. In July FBI director Comey reads a long list of charges against Hillary of which she appears guilty then amazingly he ends the press conference by saying the FBI does not recommend bring charges against HRC. 

Donald Trump a billionaire is running on the GOP ticket. His campaign style is to tell everyone, "We are losing and I will make us great again." There is little real plan behind this, it is just what the people want to hear and so many people are voting for him. Both Trump and Obama are very self centered using the words, "I" and "me" in their speeches. None of the front runners appear to have a strong Christian faith. Retired Gen. William Boykin said on Glenn Beck Show said, If Hillary, Bernie or Trump are elected it will mean the end of America as we have known it. On the other hand Trump appears to be independent of the One World Order secret society that is working to destroy America. 

The Obama Administration puts millions of young girls in jeopardy by allowing boys to enter girls bathrooms and shower rooms. Transgender Bathrooms 
May 13, 2016: Attorney General Loretta Lynch, in a written statement entitled “U.S. Departments of Justice and Education Release Joint Guidance to Help Schools Ensure the Civil Rights of Transgender Students” which was posted on Friday. In this edict from the Justice Department the Obama regime is requiring all schools to allow boys who feel they are girls to use the girls bathrooms and lockers. If any school does not comply with this decree the school will face withholding of Federal Funds. This is an example of tyrannical rule without the consent of the People. Of course this decree will put many young girls in harms way. NEW 

Site of the Pulse night club shooting in Orlando FL, considered to be one of the largest shotting in American history, and the largest terrorist attack since 9-11 when nearly 3000 people were killed. 
World Wide Terrorism by the Religion of Peace 
Nov. 13, 2015: Islamic Gunmen massacre 130 people at the Stade de France stadium in Paris France. 
Dec. 3, 2015: A Muslim couple gun down 16 employees at a Christmas Party in San Bernardino, CA. 
Apr. 9, 2016: Muslim men set off a bomb at the Brussels Airport killing 32 people. 
Jun. 12, 2016: Orlando, FL. Omar Mateen 29 who pledged allegiance to the Islamic Terrorist group ISIS entered the Gay Pulse night club and gunned down 49 people. 
Jul. 15, 2016: Nice, France. A Muslim immigrant from North Africa drives a truck at high speed through crowds celebrating Bastille Day, killing 80 people. 
Jul. 22, 2016: Munich, Germany. A Muslim from the Middle East opens fire in the city killing 9 people. 
There are many more Jihadist attacks around the world, too numerous to list here. NEW 

Donald Trump GOP Presidential Candidate 
Donald Trump gets a standing ovation from Christian Evangelical Leaders in NYC. 
Donald Trump meets with Evangelical Leaders 
Jun. 21, 2016: Presidential Candidate Donald Trump meets with 1000 Evangelical leaders in NYC. Trump does not give a speech but instead takes questions from Christian leaders and pastors. During this time he states three times that as president he will act to get rid of the IRS muzzle law (501c3) on pastors. This law was introduced by Senator Lydon Johnson back in 1954 which forbids pastors from talking about elections from the pulpit. It appears that Trump is a friend of Christians not an enemy, as he would work to restore Christian moral values back into society. Rick Wiles reported that Trump looked and acted very presidential. At the end of the meeting Trump received a standing ovation from the Evangelical Leaders. Listen to Rick Wiles talk about the NYC Trump meeting. (Talks about the 501c3 about 40 minutes into the audio.) NEW 

British PM David Cameron said he will step down as PM following the BREXIT vote. 
Jun. 22, 2016: Globalism is defeated in the UK. This week voters in the United Kingdom voted to exit the European Union (EU) by a sizable margin. This is viewed as a rejection of the One World Government being imposed on the world by International Corporations, International Bankers and the secret organizations which work in secret behind closed doors to control world affairs, gain power and wealth. After BREXIT vote PM David Cameron who supported staying in the EU said would step down as PM. View Dick Morris video on the BREXIT vote. NEW 
Harvested baby parts 
Harvested Baby Parts at an abortion clinic. Abortion Ruling 
Jun. 26, 2016: US Supreme Court has ruled against the State of Texas rules limiting Abortion on demand. Supreme Court ruling is in direct opposition to the Bible in which God abhors the killing of innocent babies, so will God bring judgment on America? 
Read full story at NewsMax. NEW 
The new Noah's Ark in Kentucky 
A full size replica of Noah's Ark opens to the public on July 7, 2016. 
Noah's Ark appears in Kentucky 
Jesus' apostles asked him what would be the signs of the end times. He told them it would be like in the times of Noah, where Noah built an Ark by God's command and the people mocked him. In July a second full size Ark appears in Kentucky and the government controlled schools tell parents not to let their children see this foolish Ark. Another possible sign of the end times? The Ark measures about 450 feet in length, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet tall. That is about one and a half football fields long and 4 stories tall. It has about 3.1 million board feet of wood in it. 
Incirlik AB Turkey 
Chief of Staff greeted by the base commander Incirlik AB, July 30, 2016
Balance of Power Tipping Point in the Middle East 
Turkey is part of NATO and a shared Turkey/America Air Base is at Incirlik Turkey. On the American side we have B1 bombers with nuclear bombs. In June Turkey cut off electric power to the America side of the base and blocked the entrance to the base so no-one could enter or exit. At the end of July Turkish news papers reported a large number of Islamic fighters surrounding the base. This situation is so ominous that the Top Military Commander at the Pentagon visited the base to assess the situation at the end of July. If the Islamic fighters overrun the base they could capture a large number of Hydrogen Bombs and American Bombers, which would totally change the balance of power in the Middle East if not the world. This story is being totally ignored by the American Press. Also there was an attempted military cue in Turkey and now a shake up of power which is in the mix thus complicating the situation. Six thousand members of the failed cue have been eliminated. On Aug. 9 Turkey signed a deal for gas pipe line with Russia. On Aug. 10 Turkey a NATO member signed an agreement with Russia to share military equipment and intelligence info. So we now have a NATO member who is becoming a close ally with Russia which puts our military base in Turkey at risk. 
It is now being reported the US is redeploying tactical weapons to a base in Romania. This story continues to unfold. NEW 


During a Jubilee Year a nation that honors and obeys God will be blessed; however, a nation that rejects God and his laws will face God's Judgment. America's leaders have openly defied and mocked God in during this Jubilee year. In the Old Testament God lifted his hand of protection from Israel and Israel's enemies defeated them. It has been prophesied that God will lift his hand of protection from America, and we will soon face a surprise attack from our enemies. 
Because the People of America have put into power men and women who hate God, these leaders of America are bringing Middle East Muslims into the country who hate God of the Bible and will kill Americans. This has already begun to happen at Fort Hood, TX, San Bernardino, CA, and Orlando FL. and other places. ISIS has a hit list of 8000 Americans to be killed. The FBI has not informed any Americans that they are on this hit list. It is reported that a Muslim man plans an attack on Disney World in FL and offered a former government person 25 million dollars to plan this attack to occur on July 4th. Listen to Audio Report. Thankfully there was no attack on Disney World on July 4, 2016 due to the American man contacting the FBI. But one wonders what would have happened if he had wanted the 25 million and didn't like America. 
Aug. 30, 2016 
Jonathan Cahn said on the Jim Bakker show that judgment has started. It will not matter if a liberal president is elected as we are already passed the tipping point, and the ball is rolling down hill. America can only be saved if we turn back to God by electing a strong man of faith who can stop the ball of judgment by undoing the offenses to God.

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