Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Theological Musing Today

The Law in the Old Testament had a purpose, but it's purpose is not for Christians to try and follow. 

Probably most of us are familiar with the 10 Commandments, but did you know there is 
613 rules to follow in the Torah? There's moral laws, dietary laws, judicial laws, neighbourly conduct laws, and even clothing laws. 

What's interesting in churches and Christian belief systems today is that we pick and choose which laws still apply today and which ones don't. For example, there is a law that says we shouldn't wear clothes with mixed fabric, but I'm guessing that you don't hear that in church and that you're breaking that command right now. We've regarded that law as one that doesn't apply today while the law regarding not contacting the dead definitely applies. 

We even pick and choose which of the BIG 10 apply today and which ones don't. For example, most of us worship on Sunday, but the 10 Commandments clearly state to keep the Sabbath holy which is Saturday. 

The New Testament has a lot to say about the law. For instance, Paul says the law was abolished in the flesh of Jesus. Paul also states that if you break even one law you are guilty of breaking the whole thing. Now who wants to live under that kind of pressure? Not me, that's for sure. 

I think the elementary principle lost in most church teaching is this: THE LAW WAS NEVER GIVEN TO CHRISTIANS OR GENTILES! It was given to the Jews after they were freed from Egypt. The entire law including the 10 Commandments do not have any power to change your life or make you righteous. 

Did you know that the Bible says, THE LAW IS FAULTY? Why do we then try to follow something that is faulty and is called the ministry of death? 

This whole obeying the law thing was the main subject of debate in Acts 15. It was at this debate where Peter stands up and says, "Why are we trying to put this burden on the Gentiles that we couldn't even bear?" 

Jesus said this, "Follow Me!" Jesus didn't say to follow the law, but to follow Him. Jesus knew the law was heavy and a burden. That's why Jesus says, "Come to me . . . My yoke is EASY, and my burden is LIGHT!" 

The law was never for us! This is truly an elementary and foundational teaching that if we don't realize will mess up our whole view of the character of God. If your Christian life is heavy and a burden, and you're always feeling you're not measuring up enough, it's time to change your thinking. It's time to EMBRACE GOD'S GRACE!

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